Events This Week
Our Live Stream Program have been postponed and replaced by the Holy Land Update Videos

Lieutenancies of North America

Lieutenant’s Log In


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The Ensuring the Future Capital Campaign Has Launched! Please click HERE for the Campaign webpage with important information on the desperate needs of the Latin Patriarchate schools and how you can help.

Jerusalem Cross - July 2024

The Jerusalem Cross July 2024 (#73) is now on the Grand Magisterium Website.  To view, click HERE

Jerusalem Cross - May 2024

The Jerusalem Cross May 2024 (#72) is now on the Grand Magisterium Website.  To view, click HERE

Holy Land Update - May 2, 2024

Jerusalem Cross - Annales 2023-24

The Jerusalem Cross Annales 2023-24 is now on the Grand Magisterium Website.  To view, click HERE

Holy Land Update - Feb 20, 2024

Holy Land Update - December 19, 2023

Jerusalem Cross - December 2023

A new edition of the Jerusalem Cross (December 2023, No 71) has been published with a focus on the 2023 Consulta.  It can be read by clicking HERE

Holy Land Update - November 29, 2023

Holy Land Update - November 10, 2023

Holy Land Update - October 27, 2023

Holy Land Update - October 2023

On October 16, Sami El-Yousef, CEO of the Latin Patriachate, recorded a Zoom interview explaining how the war in Gaza is affecting the Latin Patriachate and the people in the Holy Land.   The ~30 minute video can be viewed by clicking the PLAY button below.

A new edition of the Jerusalem Cross (October 2023, No 70) has been published and can be read by clicking HERE

Jerusalem Cross - July 2023

A new edition of the Jerusalem Cross (July 2023, No 69) has been published and can be read by clicking HERE

Coming Soon

Reflection March 2023

As we come toward the end of Lent and start our preparation for the Easter Triduum, we are blessed to have received 2 video reflections to help us in our preparation.  This first is from our Grand Master, His Eminence Fernando Cardinal Filoni, and the second, from our Grand Prior, His Beatitude, Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa.


His Eminence Cardinal Filoni’s video reflection is approximately 12 minutes. For your reference, the text of His Eminence reflection is embedded in the video.


His Beatitude Archbishop Pizzaballa’s video reflection is approximately 7 minutes.


Please click the player below to watch each video.

Palazzo della Rovere Update

On March, 10, 2023, The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, signed  agreements with the Fort Partners Group.  This agreement allows for a portion of Palazzo della Rovere in Rome to be used and operated as a hotel under the management of the Four Seasons group.

This article, published by the National Catholic Register, provides an over view of the agreement.  Click HERE to read it.

Governor General Message - January 2023

Holy Land Project Update - January 2023

A new edition of the Jerusalem Cross (December 2022, No 67) has been published and can be read by clicking HERE

December Advent Event
November 19 Live Stream Event
October 29 Live Stream Event
Jerusalem Cross - September 2022 - #66

A new edition of the Jerusalem Cross (September 2022, No 66) has been published and can be read by clicking HERE

Southeast Lieutenancy
Our Lady of Palestine Pilgrimage

His Excellency, Joe Marino, Lieutenant for the Southeast Lieutenancy, invites all members to the first Our Lady Queen of Palestine Pilgrimage to be held at Mother Angelica’s Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama and the Renaissance Ross Bridge Golf Resort and Spa in Birmingham, Alabama. The event will take place October 14, 15, 16, 2022.

Click Here to register for the pilgrimage.

Click Here for hotel information

Click Here for a schedule of events

Jerusalem Cross - June 2022 - #65

A new edition of the Jerusalem Cross (June 2022, No 65) has been published and can be read by clicking HERE

April 30 Live Stream - Bethlehem University
An Easter to be Lived

Our Grand Master, His Eminence Cardinal Fernando Filoni, offers us an Easter Reflection focusing on our special relationship supporting the places and peoples of the Holy Land.  Click HERE to read his reflection.

April Live Stream Event
Play Video
Easter Reflection from Holy Land

Sami El-Yousef, CEO of the Latin Patriarchate, sent the following update as the Holy Land prepares to celebrate Easter.  Click HERE to read his message.

Jerusalem Cross Annales Edition

The 2021-22 Annales Edition of the Jerusalem Cross in now available.  It can be viewed or downloaded from the Grand Magisterium website by clicking HERE

February Live Stream Event

January Live Stream Event - Update on the Order

A recording of our Live Stream program can be found below.  To those that watched Live, the transmission issues that caused the “choppy” viewing have been corrected in the recording.  Sorry for that inconvenience.

December Live Stream Event - Preparing for Christmas

Our Grand Master, Cardinal Fernando Filoni (recorded) and Archbishop Joseph Naumann, Northern Lieutenancy Prior (Live) offer reflections to help us prepare for the celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ Birth!

November Live Stream Event - Holy Land Update

Jerusalem Cross - October 2021 - #63

A new edition of the Jerusalem Cross (October 2021, No 63) has been published and can be read by clicking HERE

October Live Stream Recording

On October 25, the Feast of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Palestine, Patroness of our Order, Dr Matthew Bunson offered a commentary on the Spirituality of our Order.  Matthew’s comments are based on his work translating from Italian to English His Eminence Cardinal Filoni’s recently published book “The House Was Filled with the Fragrance of the Perfume: A Spirituality of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre”

Due to technical difficulties, the program was not Live Streamed but a recording is posted below for you to view by clicking on the PLAY button.

Cardinal Filoni's EWTN Interview

Our Grandmaster, Cardinal Filoni, discussed his recently published book, “The House Was Filled with the Fragrance of the Perfume: A Spirituality of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre” in a recent interview on EWTN USA.

Jerusalem Cross - July 2021 - #62

The July 2021 edition of the Jerusalem Cross has been published. Click HERE to open or download the PDF file.

Cardinal Filoni renews Ambassador Leonardo Visconti di Modrone appointment as Governor General

Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, signed on June 29, on the feast of Saints Peter and Paul the Apostles, a decree renewing the mandate as Governor General for another term of four years on Ambassador Leonardo Visconti di Modrone.
Born in Milan in 1947, and having served forty-five years in the Italian diplomatic service, Leonardo Visconti di Modrone was called to join the Grand Magisterium of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre in 2014 by Cardinal Edwin O’Brien. He was appointed Governor General, succeeding Prof. Agostino Borromeo in June 2017. In October of that same year, he was conferred the rank of Knight of the Collar.

The Governor General of the Order is, according to the Constitution, the central administrator of the Order and the person responsible for its direction. He oversees the activities of the Grand Magisterium and moderates its meetings, analyzes and reports to the Grand Master on the needs in the Holy Land and issues directives to the Lieutenancies and Magistral Delegations.
As Governor General, he visited many of the structures financed by the Order, such as parishes, kindergartens, schools, universities, homes for the elderly, hospitals, orphanages, refugee camps, etc., in continuous contact with the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. For the second quadrennium of his mandate, he proposes to complete the visits begun to the various Lieutenancies in the world, in order to increase dialogue and commitment, also availing himself of the collaboration of the Vice-Governors, with the aim of strengthening the Order in all its components, at the service of the Church and the Holy Land.

Update from the Holy Land - June 2021 - Sami El-Yousef

From Sami El-Yousef, CEO of Latin Patriarchate, has provided us with an update on the situation in the Holy Land following recent hostilities.  Click HERE to read his report from a recent visit to the Gaza area.

Holy Land Unrest - Statement from the Latin Patriachate

From Sami El-Yousef CEO of Latin Patriarchate:

Given the sad turn of events in recent days in Jerusalem, please circulate the attached press release from the Heads of Churches of Jerusalem to His Eminence, members of the Grand Magisterium, the Lieutenants and members of the Order. (click link in Red)

Patriarchs and Heads of Jerusalem Churches concerned about Al-Aqsa Mosque worshippers and Sheikh Jarrah families

Sami also offered the following reflection, titled

Reflections and Updates from the Holy Land A Miracle is Needed

that can be read by clicking HERE

Many thanks for your continued prayers.

Jerusalem Cross - April 2021 No 61

A new edition of the Jerusalem Cross (April 2021, No 61) has been published and can be read by clicking HERE

Annual Magazine Published

The official annual magazine of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre is available online. This issue of Jerusalem Cross 2020-2021 sets out to cover a whole year through interviews, stories of the projects supported by the Order of the Holy Sepulchre and accounts of the activities carried out by the high offices of our Pontifical Institution.
Click HERE to read or to download.

Holy Land Stations of the Cross

As we near the end of Holy Week, The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem invites you to walk the Via Dolorosa (Way of Suffering) with Father Peter Vasco, OFM, former Custos of The Holy Land and current President of the Franciscan Foundation for the Holy Land. Father Peter leads us on The Way of the Cross, stopping to pray at each of the stations marked in stone on the streets of the Old City of Jerusalem, the same path that Jesus walked, carrying his cross on the way to the crucifixion on Golgotha.

Passing of H.E. George T. Ryan, KGCHS - Vice Governor General of Honor

With deep sadness, we announce the passing of H.E. George T Ryan, KGCHS, Vice Governor General of Honor.  George joined the Order in 1982 and was appointed Vice Governor General in 2002.  Click HERE to read his full obituary.

Our Lady of Palestine – Pray for him!

A Year with so Many Needs to Face

A brief account of the support provided by the Order of the Holy Sepulchre during 2020 can be found on the Grand Magisterium website by clicking HERE

Jerusalem Cross - January 2021 - #60

The January 2021 edition of the Jerusalem Cross has been published. Click HERE to open or download the PDF file.

New Grand Master Corner - January 2021

A new Grand Master’s Corner posting offers thoughts on “what does it means for the Order be a Central Body of the Church?”  Cardinal Grand Master Fernando Filoni’s comments can be found by clicking HERE.

Most Eminent Cardinal Wilton Daniel Gregory, Archbishop of Washington, Receives Knight Grand Cross

It is tradition that members our Order, when created Cardinal, receive through “motu proprio” of the Grand Master, the degree of Knight  Grand Cross of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.  The members of North America congratulate the Most Eminent Cardinal Wilton Daniel Gregory, Archbishop of Washington, for receiving this degree.  You can see the official announcement by clicking HERE.

Advent Reflection

An estimated 550 Knights, Dames and Clergy members joined us in the Advent Reflection Live Stream event on December 12.  Thanks to H.E. Margret Romano, Western Lieutenant, and members of the Western Lieutenancy for their assistance and participation.  Below is a recording of the Live stream including remarks by His Eminence, Cardinal Fernando Filoni.  A text copy of His Eminence’s reflection can be found by clicking HERE.  

Sami El-Yousef Holy Land Update

On October, 31, Sami El-Yousef, Chief Executive Officer of the Latin Patriarchate, provided nearly 300 Knights, Dames and Clergy members of the Order with a Holy Land update.  His report was very much appreciated.  We thank Sami for all his work and continue to offer our prayers and financial support to the peoples in the Latin Patriachate.   

The meeting was recorded and you can watch by clicking the PLAY button in the video player below.  Click the bottom right corner to get a full screen view.

Msgr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa appointed Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Grand Master, with all the Knights and Dames in the world, welcome the appointment of Msgr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa as the new Patriarch of Jerusalem and Grand Prior of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre.

More information can be found on the Grand Magisterium website by clicking HERE

Jerusalem Cross - October 2020 - #59

The October issue of the Jerusalem Cross has been published.  Click HERE  to view.

Our Lady of Palestine Mass

Each year, we celebrate the Feast Day of Our Lady Queen of Palestine, Patroness of the Order, the last Sunday in October.  This year, it will be October 25.

By clicking HERE you can download the liturgical aid in PDF format for celebrating the Solemnity of the Feast of Our Lady, Queen of Palestine mass.

Our Lady, Queen of Palestine, Pray for us and all the peoples of the Lands made sacred by your Son’s Life, Death, and Resurrection. Amen.

Msgr. Pizzaballa thanks the Order

   Click HERE to read Msgr. Pizzaballa’s statement.

COVID-19 Humanitarian Relief - Grand Magisterium Update

The Grand Magisterium reports on the success of the COIV-19 Humanitarian Relief Appeal in which nearly 2 million Euros was raised world wide with an addition 1 million Euro donated from other sources.  Click HERE to read the entire press release.

Reflections from the Holy Land - Sept 2020

“Reflections from the Holy Land Random Thoughts”  is a letter written by Sami El-Yousef,  CEO of the Latin Patriarchate.  He offers us a glimpse inside the current situation in the Holy Land as they confront the continued challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.  He thanks all the Knights, Dames and Clergy for their generous response to the COVID-19 Humanitarian Support Appeal.  Click HERE to read Dr. El-Yousef’s letter in PDF format.

Grand Master's Corner - September 2020

A new Grand Master’s Corner posting offers thoughts on “the vision regarding the place and role that Dames occupy in the Order?”  Cardinal Grand Master Fernando Filoni’s comments can be found by clicking HERE.

The North America Lieutenancies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem join Lieutenancies around the world in a Humanitarian Support Appeal to assist the peoples of the Holy Land in their struggles coping with the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Latin Patriarchate has produced an Appeal Request document that provides great detail on the situation in the Holy Land and details the financial impact.  It can be seen HERE as a PDF file.

Read Cardinal Grand Master Fernando Filoni’s call to action letter by clicking HERE

Click HERE to donate now through a secure payment process.

Jerusalem Cross – July 2020 – #58

The July issue of the Jerusalem Cross has been published.  Click HERE  to view.

Grand Master's Corner - July 2020

A new Grand Master’s Corner posting answers the question “How can we nourish a fraternal dialogue with people who do not profess our faith?”  Cardinal Grand Master Fernando Filoni’s comments can be found by clicking HERE.

May 2020 Issue of Jerusalem Cross

 The May 2020 issue of the Jerusalem Cross (#57) has been published.  Click HERE to view

New "Grand Master's Corner" posting

Read the latest answer by Cardinal Fernando Filoni in the “Grand Master’s Corner”. This month he comments about the young people and the Order of the Holy Sepulchre

New Issue of Jerusalem Cross

The 2019-2020 issue of the Jerusalem Cross has been published.  Click HERE to view.

Cardinal Fernando Filoni Offer Easter Message

His Eminence Cardinal Fernando Filoni offers us this timely message in the final days of Lent as we prepare for Easter.

Click HERE to read the Grand Master message. 

Cardinal Fernando Filoni appointed Grand Master of the Order

By decision of the Holy Father, His Eminence Cardinal Fernando Filoni has been appointed Grand Master of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre starting this December 8 2019, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. Published below is the official communiqué of His Eminence Cardinal Edwin O’Brien, Grand Master of the Order since 2012, who concludes his mandate a few months after reaching the age of 80.

“It is with complete acceptance and appreciation that I welcome the decision of Pope Francis to replace me as Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. I am especially pleased that His Holiness has appointed His Eminence Fernando Cardinal Filoni as my successor.

I have been privileged well beyond the time of my letter of resignation, submitted over five years ago. Throughout my more than eight years as Grand Master, my personal faith and love of our Church have deepened as I have witnessed our members’ commitment to the goals of our Order, expressed in different cultures and languages, all profoundly Catholic!
I am most grateful to the two Governors General with whom I have served, Their Excellencies, Professor Agostino Borromeo and Ambassador Leonardo Visconti di Modrone. Our collaborators in the Grand Magisterium and the daily, dedicated service of our office staff largely account for the steady growth of our Order. Their commitment to our lieutenancies and to the mission of the Latin Patriarchate has been unwavering.

Finally, I welcome His Eminence, Cardinal Filoni as Our Grand Master. His long and broad pastoral and administrative experience in service to the Universal Church will be precious assets as he leads our Order into the future. I offer him my full and fraternal support as I beg the continued intercession of Our Lady of Palestine.

Message from the Grand Master

On December 8 last, the Holy Father Pope Francis appointed me Grand Master of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. I was deeply moved on receiving this news.

Almost immediately, I was inundated by greetings and congratulations from the Grand Magisterium, and Lieutenants from around the world, from Knights, Dames and Clergy.

I would like to thank you all for the attention and consideration that you have shown me. I wish to express my particular gratitude to His Eminence Cardinal Edwin O’Brien, Grand Master emeritus; I think especially of his generous service, wise and competent leadership exercised over the course of these years.

As I extend to you all my first greeting, dear Members of the Order, I would also like to wish each and every one a very Merry Christmas: May it be a privileged moment of reflection on our encounter with the divine humanity of Jesus who appeared in Bethlehem, and allow ourselves once again to share in the amazement of the Wise Men and the Shepherds. Bethlehem and Jerusalem are the two poles that enclose the mystery of our faith.

Click box to view video

Click HERE to go to our donation page

Cardinal Filoni Audio Book

Audio book version of Cardinal Filoni’s book The House Was Filled with the Fragrance of the Perfume is now available.

Annales 2023-24

The Jerusalem Cross Annales 2023-24 is now on the Grand Magisterium Website.  Click  HERE

Holy Land Projects

A 2024 projects list has not yet been released.  The list of 2023 Holy Land Small Capital Improvement Projects has been released.  All Lieutenancies, Sections, and members of the Order are encouraged to consider sponsoring a project.  Click HERE for more details.

North America Lieutenants Support First All Canada Investiture

For the first time in history, the five Canadian Lieutenancies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem gathered in Montreal on Sunday September 29, 2019 for a National Investiture. On this occasion 36 Knights and Dames were invested. The ceremony was presided by His Eminence Edwin Cardinal O’Brien, Grand Master of the Order at the Cathedral Basilica of Mary Queen of the World. 

Also present: our Pro-Grand Prior, His Excellency Most Reverend Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Titular Archbishop of Verbe and Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

The Vice Governor General for North America, H.E. Thomas Pogge was pleased with the success of this event and warmly thanked the organizers of the Canada-Montreal Lieutenancy. Which attracted more than 180 Knights and Dames, Lieutenants and Priors, Bishops, members and many Lieutenants from the United States.

The kick-off event for the Investiture weekend was a Benefit-Concert which took place on Friday evening, September 27, 2019.  The profits will be donated to the works of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. This concert of sacred songs featured internationally renowned Canadian soprano Natalie Choquette.

On Saturday, September 28,  the Promotions and Vigil ceremony took place at Saint Joseph’s Oratory, the largest shrine dedicated to Saint Joseph in the world founded by the Canadian Saint Brother André. It was at this ceremony that future investees were able to pray more deeply about the meaning of their promise and commitment to support our mother Church in the Holy Land. This was followed by a conference given by H.E. Msgr Pizzaballa on the status of the Christians in the Holy Land and the daily challenges facing them.

On Sunday morning, September 29, the Vice Governor General for North America, H.E. Sir Thomas Pogge, presented the projects of the Order in the Holy Land, and spoke of the future prospects and projects for all the Lieutenancies of Canada and the United States and how the main focus of the Order should be to support education in the schools of the LPJ as well as pastoral projects.

The Lieutenants of Canada as well as the members of the organizing committee of the Canada-Montreal Lieutenancy were very pleased with the success of this great Canadian première.

Pictured in the photo are: (left to right)

Dame Eileen Foley DCHS  

H.E. Gerard J. Foley, KCHS Northeastern Lieutenancy
H.E. Valencia Yvonne Camp, DGCHS Middle Atlantic Lieutenancy
H.E. Pro f . Thompson M. Faller, KGCHS Northwestern Lieutenancy    
H.E. Vicki Downey, DGCHS Eastern Lieutenancy

Dame Anne Pogge, DGCHS
H.E. Mary O”Brien,  DGCHS Grand Magisterium
H.E. P Thomas Pogge, KGCHS Vice Governor General-North America
S.E. Luc Harvey, KHS Montreal Lieutenancy    
H.E. Trudy Louise Comeau, DC*HS Canada -Atlantic
H.E. Hugh L. MacKinnon, KGCHS Toronto Lieutenancy
H.E. Rosemarie Wertschek, DC*HS Vancouver Lieutenancy
Dame Julie Cleary, DGCHS
H.E. Shawn T. Cleary, KGCHS Northern Lieutenancy
Dame Joyce Standish, DGCHS
H.E. Thomas R. Standish, KGCHS Southwestern Lieutenancy