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Campaign Explanation Video

Campaign FAQs

Why are we being asked to give to this campaign when we’re already supporting the Order’s efforts in the Holy Land?

The COVID epidemic closed the Holy Land to tourism for two years, depriving many Christians of their income. The Latin Patriarchate was thus forced to divert its funds from projects to humanitarian aid to help those with no income to pay for food, rent, and tuition. As a result, schools fell into a decline with a desperate need for repair and modernization.

In response, the North American leadership began planning a capital campaign to raise $8 million to repair and upgrade all the Latin Patriarchate schools in the Holy Land. But before this campaign could be launched, the war in Gaza started and the campaign was paused while the effects of the war on the Latin Patriarchate were assessed.

A meeting was held with the Latin Patriarch, His Beatitude Pierbattista Cardinal Pizzaballa, to ask if we should convert this campaign into one asking for humanitarian aid. His Beatitude stated that they are receiving humanitarian aid from other sources, but no one was supporting the schools. He asked that we not only continue our campaign but that we increase the goal by $4 million to help meet pay teachers’ salaries while Christians remain out of work. Thus, we have restarted our campaign with a new goal of $12 million.

If I make a pledge to the campaign, do I still have to make my annual contribution to the Lieutenancy?

Yes. Giving to the Ensuring the Future Campaign will be a sacrificial contribution over and above the Member’s annual contribution. In addition to supporting the various ministries in the Holy Land, the Membership’s annual contributions support the governance of the Order and are therefore required for our own financial stability.

How will our contributions be monitored so that we can be sure the money is used effectively?

Contributions will be forwarded directly to the Patriarch, whose staff will distribute the monies based on need and determined priorities and in close cooperation with the Order’s Holy Land Commission. The Patriarchate staff will report on income and distribution of funds, and these reports will be passed along to the Lieutenancies.

Are we seeking contributions outside of Order Membership?

Yes. Because giving through the Order means that every dollar contributed goes directly to the Patriarchate, people from outside the Order who wish to support these efforts in the Holy Land can be confident that 100% of the amount contributed will go to those most in need. Also, the campaign leadership is approaching national and regional Catholic Charitable Foundations for their support.

How can you assure me that we will not need to do this again in three to five years?

The aim of this campaign is to provide for the long-term stability of the LPJ schools, including repairs, upgrades, and future employment for the teachers. Additionally, the repair work will employ Christians which also creates jobs. The income these Christians receive allows them to spend at the stores of other Christians which creates more jobs and provides a real infusion of money into the economy.

Obviously, as we have seen with the war in Gaza, it is impossible to predict the future for the region, but this campaign, if successful, will establish a stronger, more stable, and self-sustaining LPJ school system that can build both toward a brighter future for the schools and a chance to promote peace.

How much are you expecting me to give?

We are asking you to contribute what is possible for you. Remembering that this is in addition to your annual contribution, we know that this is an extraordinary ask. However, these are extraordinary times. The very survival of the LPJ schools is now in question and with it the long-term stability of many Christian families in the region. As has been stressed, the Latin Patriarchate is receiving adequate humanitarian assistance, and the Latin Patriarch, His Beatitude Cardinal Pizzaballa, has specifically asked for urgent help with the cause of the LPJ schools and their teachers. All of us are asked to contribute as much as we can, bearing in mind that donations may be fulfilled over a three-year period.

Will an Endowment be established to help the schools on a permanent basis?

We are seeking to raise $12 million for the schools of the Latin Patriarchate. It goes without saying that our hope is to raise more than that goal. Once we have reached the official goal, we will then be able to consider the best use of the remaining funds. That might be the time to create an endowment. However, our mandate is to raise the funds required now for the urgent needs of the Latin Patriarchate.

Is my contribution tax deductible?

All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed under applicable tax law. Deductibility should be verified with your tax consultant. The Ensuring the Future Capital Campaign is being conducted through the Order’s Vice Governor General, North America, a Nonprofit Corporation, which has tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.