Humanitarian Work

In recent times, the Latin Patriarchate has placed even greater importance on meeting the humanitarian needs of the people in the Holy Land by creating a Social Intervention program

The Social Intervention program is divided into four categories:


2.Family Support

3.Medical Support

4.Medicines Program

It aids families and individuals faced in a crisis situations such as:

1.Families with income insufficient for family’s basic needs

2.The death or illness of the primary wage earner

3.Families who cannot afford medical expenses

4.Families with no health insurance

5.Elderly with no source of income or experiencing illness

6.Lack of work opportunities for primary wage earner

One example is St Rachel’s Center which serves the immigrant population in Israel. It provides safe, healthy and nurturing day care for infants under 3, children, and youth. It provides after-school activities for older children in a safe environment. It provides tutoring for these older children having difficulty with homework due to language issues.


Infant daycare room at St Rachel’s Center